Thursday, November 1, 2018

Contractions in Contemporary Literature #1


What Are Contractions?

A contraction is a combination of two words—almost always a noun with a verb—linked with an apostrophe into one, shortened word.


 A Brief History of Contractions

Contractions have been around for a very long time—in English, as far back as the creation of the language itself, when the Angles and Saxons invaded the British Isles and mixed the local Celtic dialects with their Germanic languages.
Since then, the list of contractions continued to expand, usually brought by invaders or imported during cultural movements.

As an example of the use of contractions in writing we have a classic of American literature that uses many abbreviations, as well as reductions and idioms, and a contemporary best seller.
O que são contrações?

 Uma contração é uma combinação de duas palavras - quase sempre um substantivo com um verbo - ligada a um apóstrofo em uma palavra encurtada.

Uma breve história das contrações
 As contrações existem há muito tempo - em inglês, desde a criação da própria língua, quando os anglos e os saxões invadiram as ilhas britânicas e misturaram os dialetos celtas locais com suas línguas germânicas.
Desde então, a lista de contrações continuou a se expandir, geralmente trazidas por invasores ou importadas durante os movimentos culturais.

Como exemplo do uso de contrações na escrita, temos um clássico da literatura americana que usa muitas abreviações, bem como reduções e expressões idiomáticas,e um best seller contemporâneo.

   Maniac Magee by Jerry Spinelli  

              So’s= so that, in order to -  
  so’s you wouldn’t have to eat ‘em all by yourself .pg 90
  Ol’= Old(preceding names as(is) a term of affection, respect)
it was ol’ Grayson himself .pg 94

‘er= her(for object) -

ride ‘er some 101

S’pposed to= supposed –

this is s'pposed to be yours .pg 105  

‘im= him  

  Reg’lar= regular -

              Yeah,reg’ular maniac. pg 28  

   Nobody’d=nobody had - 

nobody’d ever . pg 26 

‘fore= before - 

 ‘fore I waste ya . pg 159 


do yer homework . pg 135

2yer = you are-  

Don’t’ stop till yer outta town . pg 27  

Wha’d= what did – 

wha’d you bring,dad? Pgs 132 /162 

Resta= rest of -

 the resta ya,get out! .pg 164

Five-a = five of - 
I wanna see five-a ya.  pg 164  

‘round= around-  

‘round no more .pg 166

Oughta= ought to- 

you oughta do something /go to school .pg 82 

why’nt= why don’t - 

why’nt  you bring your mattress along, too? pg125

Cause-a = Because of-

     Cause-a  how bad I mighta get  overnight.


Waddaya= what do you ?– 
waddaya say,huh?. pg 157

Lower’n= lower in –

can’t get no lower’n that .pg 92

Ever’body= everybody –

call me Grayson, like ever’body. pg 92
                                       Gimme= give me- 
                           gimme my book. pg39

                            Doncha= don’t you
                    doncha . pg 86

              It’s kind of a funny story by Ned Vizzini

 Didja = Did you -
 Didja? Pg 198
Ya = you 
“It’ll come to ya” he says. pg 410

Toldja= told you- 
I toldja you . pgs 248/ 172                      

C’mere= Come here . pg 213 
 C’mon= Come on
Y’know = You know

Outta= Out of  
 outta your mind. pg372

Alla = All of
 I  got alla you . pg 322
Shoulda=Should have      
you shoulda seen him. pg 244

Lotta =lot of 
 I met a lotta vampires in my time. Pg420
 How’ve= how have
How’ve you been. Pg 416 
Cuz = because 
It’s cuz I don’t over-bet . pg 322
How’m= how am
How’m I gonna do. pg267  
 Dunno=  don’t know  
I dunno. pgs 348/ 307

I hope that helps ,friendos!



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