Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Dry by Neal andJarrod shusterman

Dry - Neal and Jarrod shusterman-  One book- YA- Upper-intermadiate



Dry by Neal and Jarrod Shusterman

When the California drought escalates to catastrophic proportions, one teen is forced to make life and death decisions for her family in this harrowing story of survival from New York Times bestselling author Neal Shusterman and Jarrod Shusterman.

The drought—or the Tap-Out, as everyone calls it—has been going on for a while now. Everyone’s lives have become an endless list of don’ts: don’t water the lawn, don’t fill up your pool, don’t take long showers.
Until the taps run dry.

Suddenly, Alyssa’s quiet suburban street spirals into a warzone of desperation; neighbors and families turned against each other on the hunt for water. And when her parents don’t return and her life—and the life of her brother—is threatened, Alyssa has to make impossible choices if she’s going to survive.

This is the kind of book that you can’t stop thinking about the subject addressed, cos is one of the few in that life can imitate art.
By dealing with an issue as current as the lack of water, Neal and Jarrod Shusterman succeed in awakening the reader to his role in the environment where he lives.
In story, violence in southern California increases with thirst ,and people begin to live like “water-zombies” attacking, shooting, and defending themselves as they can to get water, or to not share what they have.
 Dry provokes feelings of worry, fear and sadness, besides leaves the reader thoughtful about what one can do to change the possibility of this sad reality to happen.
 After reading this book,you will never use water the same way again.

Dry Frases

  Life is rifle with many moments of misfortune 
    wich we must learn to see as opportunities.
You've got to do something you've neve done to have something you've never had.

   Two steps forwards sometimes requires 
   two steps back. 

Finding the treasure in the trash. Identifying the true diamond that were worth more than the fake gold ring that held them.

   Everything in life is a lesson.
 Learn from it. Better yourself.
 Become stronger.

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